Sep 22, 2017

Asian Games Photo Fun Privacy Policy

This privacy policy designates how any information you give us while using our app (Asian Games Photo Fun) or this website ( is used and protected.

Lonely Box App Studio is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its user. Our app and this website will never collect or share your personal information for any reason.

  • Personal information
    We do not collect personal information and therefore we do not disclose your personal information.
  • Information you provide
    If you contact us for customer support, we may obtain and maintain any information you choose to provide, including your name, contact info such as your email address, as well as information about your mobile device or personal computer such as its device type, OS type, and logs. We will use this information to address and investigate the issues you have raised, to provide you support, and to improve our customer support service.

Adam Eye may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. If we change our policy for any reason, we will update the ‘Last updated’ date at the bottom of this page.

Last updated: September 22nd, 2017

Copyright © 2017 Lonely Box App Studio
All Rights Reserved

Mar 2, 2017

Adam Eye Privacy Policy

This privacy policy designates how any information you give us while using our app (Adam Eye) or this website ( is used and protected.

Adam Eye is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its user. Our app and this website will never collect or share your personal information for any reason.

  • Personal information
    We do not collect personal information and therefore we do not disclose your personal information.
  • Information you provide
    If you contact us for customer support, we may obtain and maintain any information you choose to provide, including your name, contact info such as your email address, as well as information about your mobile device or personal computer such as its device type, OS type, and logs. We will use this information to address and investigate the issues you have raised, to provide you support, and to improve our customer support service.

Adam Eye may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. If we change our policy for any reason, we will update the ‘Last updated’ date at the bottom of this page.

Last updated: March 2nd, 2017

Copyright © 2017 Lonely Box App Studio
All Rights Reserved

Dreamfield Camera Privacy Policy

This privacy policy designates how any information you give us while using our app (Dreamfield Camera) or this website ( is used and protected.

Dreamfield Camera is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its user. Our app and this website will never collect or share your personal information for any reason.

  • Personal information
    We do not collect personal information and therefore we do not disclose your personal information.
  • Information you provide
    If you contact us for customer support, we may obtain and maintain any information you choose to provide, including your name, contact info such as your email address, as well as information about your mobile device or personal computer such as its device type, OS type, and logs. We will use this information to address and investigate the issues you have raised, to provide you support, and to improve our customer support service.

Dreamfield Camera may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. If we change our policy for any reason, we will update the ‘Last updated’ date at the bottom of this page.

Last updated: March 2nd, 2017

Copyright © 2017 Lonely Box App Studio
All Rights Reserved

Aug 16, 2013

Some Error Fixes When Installing Tizen SDK on OS X

Error : "Fatal error occured while installing the Tizen SDK"

Fix : change permission on your ~/tmp folder (/username/tmp). Make sure that all have access to read & write. *you can change it back after installation finished

Error after create and launching VM : "Cannot launch this VM. Shared memory is not enough"

Fix : make sure that you restart your mac after SDK installation finished

Aug 14, 2013

Tanggapan tentang thread : "Kuliah Jurusan Komputer? Maaf Anda Salah Pilih"

Saya ingin mencoba menanggapi trit yang membuat heboh jagat kaskus :

Trit ini secara frontal menyerang mereka yang mengambil jalur akademis, khususnya bagi mereka yang mengambil jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika & Sistem Informasi.

Sebelum saya tanggapi, mari dicoba analisa :)
Seandainya software FOSYS+ yang dikatakan trit itu benar adanya (harga tinggi, digunakan di jaringan accor-ibis, made in indonesia yang pertama), silahkan cari di google dan silahkan lihat hasilnya. Ga ada hotel-hotelnya tuh :) bahkan hasil pencarian atas sendiri menunjukkan trit yang sama di kompasiana :D

Entahlah benar atau tidaknya :)

Tanggapan saya tentang trit ini adalah :
Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kepada Allah. Apalagi setelah membaca reply dibawah-bawahnya, wahhh, makin bersyukur saya, saingan saya berkurang bro :) Untuk level Indonesia aja udah berapa orang tuh yang bales "jadi mikir-mikir lagi mau masuk ilmu komputer/teknik informatika" atau "ternyata bisa dipelajari secara otodidak". Seneng saya :D
Melihat banyaknya juga trit yang bilang bisa dipelajari secara otodidak, semakin seneng lagi. Pemuda-pemuda bangsa ini memiliki semangat yang luar biasa untuk mempelajari ilmu, tapi ingat, untuk menjadi seorang ahli, ga cukup cuma belajar, tapi harus semangat, konsisten & selalu termotivasi !!!

Intinya sih, semua orang bilang kalo dagang itu gampang, gampaang banget, lebih gampang dari bikin software, ngambil barang pagi, jual sorenya + tambah untung, jadi deh dapet duit, dilakuin terus-terusan, kaya deh jadinya. Tapi apakah semua orang punya semangat berdagang? Apakah semua pedagang punya motivasi kuat untuk sukses?

Ah sudahlah, ga perlu panjang lebar, ntar malah banyak lagi yang berubah pikiran, masuk lagi ke jurusan IT, jangan ah. Harapan saya adalah trit ini diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris, biar banyak yang lagi yg terpengaruh dan mengurangi saingan saya secara global, semakin bersyukurlah saya :) Apalagi contoh yang dilihat adalah Drop-Out nya Bill Gates (bukan passionnya bill gates untuk membuat microsoft), wihhh tambah seneng saya :)

Selamat belajar dan tetap semangat ya kawan-kawan (yeeeyyy)

Aug 11, 2013

"sencha: command not found" After Installing Sencha CMD on OS X

Open your .bash_profile file with nano :
nano ~/.bash_profile

If you see export path command for sencha cmd (it should be automatically created after installing sencha cmd) :
export PATH=sencha_cmd_path:$PATH
export SENCHA_CMD_3_x_x="sencha_cmd_path"

Close nano (^x) and you just need to run command :
source ~/.bash_profile

If you didn't see export command, just append bash_profile with command in step number 2. *your sencha cmd path will likely be in /Users/username/bin/Sencha/Cmd/

Aug 6, 2013

Update Ruby (To Latest Patch) Using RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

Disclaimer: This tutorial is tested on OS X, so it will work (90%) in Linux but I haven't test it on Windows. But the commands and steps is much likely the same on Windows. Work only if Ruby is installed via RVM.
  1. Find out your Ruby version first using ruby -v
  2. Open and look for the patch written here "pxxx

If your ruby version isn't the latest patch, follow this step:
  • Write command
  • rvm upgrade [installed_ruby] [latest_patch_ruby]
    rvm upgrade 1.9.3-p194 1.9.3-p448
  • The installation will take a few minutes based on your bandwidth speed
  • For every question just answer with Y if you want default configuration
  • Now write ruby -v again and watch your ruby has upgraded into latest patch